by Sherman Law | Dec 1, 2012 | Closing Attorney
RE21RC01: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Fair Housing Rights of Individuals with Disabilities A. Two essential concepts i. Definitions: 1. 3-part definition of “Individual with a disability”... by Sherman Law | Dec 1, 2012 | Closing Attorney
RE09R07: Residential Rental – Landlord/Tenant Issues This course is specifically designed for those real estate brokers and salespersons engaged in the practice of rental brokerage. With limited exceptions, the rental of real estate requires any individual/s... by Sherman Law | Dec 1, 2012 | Closing Attorney
RE14R07: Architecture 1. Architecture: The science and art of structural design. The stylewhich a building is designed and built. 2. Pattern Books: Builders Handbooks/Architectural Design Books 3. Nail Machines: 1850 machines were able to mass-produce nails forone... by Sherman Law | Dec 1, 2012 | Closing Attorney
RE05RC01: Contract Law History of Contract Law What is a contract? 1. voluntary agreement or promise 2. Parties to the Contract 3. Requirement of competency of parties 4. Must be for legal purposes 5. consideration Types of... by Sherman Law | Dec 1, 2012 | Closing Attorney
RE08RC08:MassachusettsReal Estate License Law and Regulations 1. Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons A. The Board 1) Composition of the Board 2) License oversight 3) Enforcement authority 2. Licensing Requirements A. M.G.L. c. 112, §§ 87PP... by Sherman Law | Dec 1, 2012 | Closing Attorney
RE18RC07: Property Assessments, Valuation and Taxation I. Property Taxes A. Board of assessors 1. Determines the value of all taxable land 2. Methods of assessing value 3. Frequency of assessing value 4. Assessors do not create value, but discover value B. Budget ÷... by Sherman Law | Dec 1, 2012 | Closing Attorney
RE12R07: Condominiums, Cooperatives and Timeshares Objective To provide a general overview of the Condominium Law inMassachusettsand provide an outline as to the differences between Condominiums, Cooperatives and Timeshares as a form of ownership. I. A. What is a... by Sherman Law | Dec 1, 2012 | Closing Attorney
RE07RC01: Closing and Settlement Role of the Closing/Settlement in the Real Estate Cycle (Listing, Showing, Offer and Acceptance, Purchase & Sale Agreement, Financing, Title Search, Closing/Settlement) Sellers Closing Cost and Responsibilities: A. Deed ... by Sherman Law | Dec 1, 2012 | Closing Attorney
RE16RC01: Zoning & Building Codes Zoning procedures A. Planning Board B. Board of Appeals C. Variances Residential building codes areas of coverage A. Plumbing B. Electric C. Various building trades Building... by Sherman Law | Dec 1, 2012 | Closing Attorney
RE11RC07: Antitrust A. Anti-Trust Laws Purpose – The purpose of the Anti-trust laws is to promote competition in the marketplace. Competition benefits consumers by keeping prices low and the quality of goods and services high. 1) Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 The...