RE16RC01: Zoning & Building Codes

  1. Zoning procedures
    1.   A.        Planning Board
    2.   B.        Board of Appeals
    3.   C.        Variances
  2. Residential building codes areas of coverage
    1.   A.        Plumbing
    2.   B.        Electric
    3.   C.        Various building trades
  3. Building code control
    1.   A.        building permit
    2.   B.        inspections
    3.   C.        occupancy permit
  4. Interior environmental requirements
  5. Means of egress and fire protection systems
  6. Foundation systems and retaining walls
  7. Repair, alteration, addition and change of use of existing buildings
  8. Lien
  9. State sanitary code
  10. In-Law apartments
  11. In-House businesses
  12. Special permits
  13. Grandfathering



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