[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://timshermanlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/06/62108676_484286248800963_302080121240305293_n.jpg” size=”large”]
We Close ON & OFF #CapeCod! Who doesn’t LOVE ice cream on a summer day? Which do you prefer CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA? (comment below) Here are some Fun Facts about Ice Cream Courtesy of @capecodfive 1. It takes 12 pounds of milk to produce 1 gallon of ice cream. 2. The average number of licks to finish a scoop of ice cream is 50. 3. The most popular flavor is vanilla, then chocolate. 4. The majority of Americans, around 90% have ice cream in their freezers. #Ourclosingsopendoors #icecream #summer #cape
by Sherman Law | Jun 14, 2019 | Instagram

— Real estate closing attorney in Massachusetts guiding those buying a house or selling their home. Our lawyers answer questions on : purchase sale agreement, closing costs, title company, title insurance, refinance mortgage, estate planning, probate court and commercial real estate, as we serve all of Greater Boston, Massachusetts including the South Shore, Metrowest and elsewhere in Eastern Mass.